And we're back!


I hope this email finds you well (or actively coping with the state of the world). I know it’s been a while since my last email, and I want to thank you for your patience during this very impromptu hiatus 💛

Over the past two months, I:

  • took an unexpected break from most communications (watch video here),
  • succumbed to the sweet uncertainty that comes before clarity and decision making,
  • spent intentional time with myself for personal growth
  • spent intentional time with other educators for professional growth
  • have been working more intentionally on new projects that I can’t wait to share with you.

Here’s what you can look forward to in the upcoming months:

  1. Decolonize Your Practice: Soon I will be retiring my current 8-week program and repurposing its content for future offers (I will tell you more in future emails).
  2. 1:1 consultation sessions: they are up and going. Dedicated individual time to focus on decolonizing the part of your practice that needs the most support right now.
  3. Free Q&As (a.k.a. monthly decolonized consultation sessions): We’ve held a couple meetings already. These are small and supportive meetings that will help you find community with other liberation-focused therapists and healers.
  4. Workshops: Lots of them coming later in the year. Click on the topic that interests you the most to make sure you are the first to know about them:

I’m excited to reconnect and continue providing valuable content that supports your journey of unlearning oppressive/one-size-fits-all ways of healing and doing therapy.

Reply to this email if there are any specific topics or questions you’d like me to cover. Your feedback and engagement mean a lot to me 💛

Thank you for being here. I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

In community,

Silvana @ Decolonize Your Practice

PS. You can read previous newsletter posts (before they were called Liberatory Letters) here.

Let's connect!

Hi! I'm Silvana.

I help clinicians, healers, and coaches incorporate decolonized and liberatory values in their practices so that you can have a practice and/or service-based business that is truly affirming and welcoming to clients who hold marginalized identities.

Read more from Hi! I'm Silvana.
a person holding a paper heart in front of a red background

Reader, For the las two weeks I've introduced you to the 7 steps to bridge the gap between your and your client’s identities. There are 7 steps to bridging the Gap: Self-Reflection ✔️ Listening Actively ✔️ Building Authentic Relationships Acknowledging Power Dynamics Commit to Ongoing Learning: Memorizing is not the same as understanding Compassion over empathy This week I am unpacking step 3, Building Authentic Relationships: Building Authentic Relationships: Understanding the Client’s World...

a woman with long hair holding a seashell up to her face

Reader, For the las two weeks I've introduced you to the 7 steps to bridge the gap between your and your client’s identities. There are 7 steps to bridging the Gap: Self-Reflection ✔️ Listening Actively Building Authentic Relationships Acknowledging Power Dynamics Commit to Ongoing Learning: Memorizing is not the same as understanding Compassion over empathy This week I am unpacking step 2, Listening Actively: Yes, we learned active listening in grad school. It is "the process of listening...

a woman sitting on a couch reading a book

Reader, Last week I introduced you to the 7 steps to bridge the gap between your and your client’s identities. There are 7 steps to bridging the Gap: Self-Reflection Listening Actively Building Authentic Relationships Acknowledging Power Dynamics Commit to Ongoing Learning: Memorizing is not the same as understanding Compassion over empathy This week I am unpacking step 1, Self-Reflection: Self-reflection is the cornerstone of decolonizing mental health and is crucial in bridging the gap...